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The Imp statistics & best solutions

Users accepted Submissions Accepted Wrong Answer Compile Error Runtime Error Time Limit Exceeded
288 1328 404 573 103 78 166

81 2007-10-28 14:24:54 Yazhini accepted 0.02 2.5M CPP
82 2007-12-30 22:43:19 Sandeep Kumar accepted 0.02 2.5M CPP
83 2009-03-17 14:29:57 madhav accepted 0.02 3.2M CPP
84 2009-06-07 13:27:17 Sergey Bondarenko accepted 0.02 2.5M CPP
85 2012-02-21 14:15:53 Jialin Ouyang accepted 0.02 2.6M CPP
86 2015-01-30 18:23:21 Timon Gehr accepted 0.02 3.1M CPP
87 2023-10-05 21:14:26 Shashi accepted 0.03 5.3M CPP
88 2024-01-09 15:53:22 iamsun accepted 0.03 5.2M CPP
89 2005-12-09 14:06:57 Tang Wenbin accepted 0.04 2.5M CPP
90 2005-01-07 21:18:19 Lovro Puzar accepted 0.07 2.5M CPP
91 2006-11-14 13:59:15 Dokyoung Lee accepted 0.07 2.5M CPP
92 2008-02-04 16:46:40 Bartosz Nitka accepted 0.07 2.5M CPP
93 2009-04-17 21:23:54 Serovikov Andrey accepted 0.07 2.5M CPP
94 2007-08-18 23:28:34 Krzysztof Dulęba accepted 0.09 2.5M CPP
95 2008-08-15 20:08:52 Ivan Katanic accepted 0.09 2.5M CPP
96 2009-03-23 06:35:12 Jeffrey Wang accepted 0.09 3.2M CPP
97 2017-04-12 16:37:18 LukaszArturSabat accepted 0.09 16M CPP
98 2006-05-01 11:08:20 Gagik Amirkhanyan accepted 0.10 2.5M CPP
99 2005-02-18 04:51:46 Adrian Kuegel accepted 0.13 2.5M CPP
100 2005-12-10 23:54:42 Arkadiusz Pawlik accepted 0.13 2.5M CPP